Once friends who shared a stage, dined together and even collaborated to launch OpenAI in 2015, Elon Musk and Sam Altman are now at loggerheads – especially since Musk Has severed ties with OpenAI. Over the past few years, Musk has highlighted on social media on several occasions the fact that OpenAI has reorganized itself to make money from AI. Earlier this year, he posted on The Source about a profit-maximizing company effectively controlled by Microsoft.
He said in the tweet, “That was not my intention at all.” Musk has raised it once again.
On Friday, Musk shared a screenshot of an X user’s response to Sam Altman’s post about OpenAI Sora. X user @cbdoge responded to Altman’s post with a quote from Musk: “A guy turning a non-profit open source company into a profit-making closed source company”. To reiterate his point several times, Musk shared a screenshot of the reply on his timeline.
Their bias towards OpenAI is particularly interesting since last year,
Musk launches his own AI company called xAI
Which is a profitable institution in itself. Musk also owns companies like Neuralink and Optimus which also work on Artificial Intelligence.
Musk has been saying this about OpenAI and Sam Altman for some time. They have not taken the success of OpenAI well. He has repeatedly said that AI should not be for profit. And ever since OpenAI turned to Microsoft for investment, Musk has been particularly salty about it. Although he has long talked about the dangers of AI – which is indeed relevant given the rapid pace of AI development – his aim has often been limited to OpenAI. It almost seems as if Musk makes these comments out of spite. Can there be any reason for this? According to the answer is yes
Biography of Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
Apparently, Musk had proposed integrating OpenAI into Tesla, a suggestion that was strongly opposed by Altman and other board members. His keen interest in artificial intelligence led to his ambition to implement self-driving capabilities in Tesla vehicles, as well as founding ventures such as Neuralink, Optimus, and Dojo. However, their deep involvement in these efforts strained their relationship with OpenAI, leading to a split in 2018.
Musk advocated integrating OpenAI into Tesla, citing concerns of being left behind by Google, but the proposal faced opposition from the OpenAI team, ultimately resulting in Musk’s exit from the organization.
As a result, Altman took over the role of CEO. Concurrently, Musk initiated the formation of a competing AI team aimed at developing autonomous Tesla vehicles. The book also reveals Musk’s hiring of computer vision expert Andrzej Karpathy from OpenAI. Eventually, OpenAI established a commercial division, through which the widely used chatbot ChatGPT was introduced last year – an unusual restructuring in the organization that led to Altman’s temporary firing from OpenAI in November 2023. Went.
Although to be fair, the conflict between Sam Altman and Elon Musk can also be attributed to Musk’s personality. He has engaged in verbal spats with Amazon founder Jeff Bezos over the past few years as both have pursued their space-related endeavors. Musk’s friendship with Google co-founder Larry Page also soured, largely due to Musk’s hiring of Ilya Sutskever.