History of Mother’s Day: Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May in many countries, including India and America. Motherhood and motherhood are celebrated on this day. Every year, this day is celebrated on May 12. It was started by American activist Anna Jarvis. Know the history of Mother’s Day.
The Mother of Mothers Day: Anna Jarvis : Source: Getty Images
The sacrifices a mother makes for her child can never be repaid in her life. Nevertheless, in different cultures, a special day is fixed in the year on which motherhood are celebrated. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May in many countries, including India and America.
There was a celebration like Mother’s Day even in ancient Greek and Roman times. Such a festival was organized there in honor of the gods and goddesses. The credit for Mother’s Day, which is currently celebrated across the world, is given to American activist Anna Jarvis. Let us know why Mother’s Day was celebrated in the first place. Why did Anna Jarvis herself later turn against Mother’s Day?
History of Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day was conceived by daughter Anna Jarvis in 1905 after the death of her mother, Ann Reeves. Anna loved her mother very much. She lived with her mother and never married. Anna Jarvis started Mother’s Day to honor the sacrifices mothers make for their children.
After receiving financial support from a department store in Philadelphia, Anna organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration at a church in West Virginia in May 1908. Following the success of the first Mother’s Day, Jarvis resolved to add this special day to the national calendar. To this end, he wrote letters to newspapers and prominent politicians, arguing that America’s national day was biased toward male achievements.
Within just four years, by 1912, many states, towns, and churches had adopted Mother’s Day as a national holiday. Jarvis did not stop here. The Mother’s Day International Association was established to take this day to a global level. Ultimately, in 1914, then-US President Woodrow Wilson signed an agreement officially establishing the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. JARVIS succeeded in achieving her objectives, but then something happened that forced her to do everything possible to stop what she had started.
Why did Anna Jarvis turn against Mother’s Day?
Anna Jarvis originally envisioned Mother’s Day as a day of personal celebration between mothers and families. This included visiting their respective mothers or attending church services. But once Mother’s Day became a national holiday, florists, card companies, and other merchants began taking advantage of its popularity.
Jarvis initially enlisted the help of companies selling flowers and cards to increase the popularity of Mother’s Day, but the way the day was commercialized ran contrary to her original vision of Mother’s Day. By 1920, the situation had become so bad that Jarvis began a campaign against Mother’s Day profiteers. Apart from this, cases were also registered against him. However, he spent a lot of money on legal fees. According to reports, by the time of his death in 1948, Jarvis strongly disapproved of the holiday and even actively lobbied the government to remove it from the American calendar.
Mother’s Day is celebrated to express our love, respect, and gratitude towards our mother. A mother’s circle never becomes too small for her child.A mother’s love for her child is so deep and unbreakable that she can fight with the whole world for the happiness of her child.
This world is truly incomplete without a mother. This year, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on May 12th [today].