OnePlus is set to launch its latest mid-range 5G smartphone, the OnePlus Nord CE4, in India on April 1, the company has already confirmed. Ahead of the formal launch, the brand has given us a glimpse of some of the specifications of the device, including its processor, color options, camera details, and more.
As per the latest development, the OnePlus Nord CE4 will be available in two color options. A teaser of the company has revealed that the phone is in black and green color variants. Tipster Ishan Agarwal has also shared in a post on X that these color options will be called Dark Chrome and Celadon Marble.
In his ex-post, Agarwal wrote that the upcoming OnePlus Nord CE4 will come in Dark Chrome and Celadon Marble. Launched in India on April 1.
Now that you know everything there is to know about the #OnePlusNordCE4, get in line to get one for yourself. No pushing!
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) April 1, 2024
Get yours on 4th April and get a Nord Buds 2r at no additional cost.
The teaser images suggest that the OnePlus Nord CE4 is equipped with either two or three cameras on the back, with a different rear panel design than its previous sibling. The three camera modules in a slim profile give the device a fresh look.
As already mentioned, the phone will be available in Dark Chrome and Celadon Marble color options, with the latter featuring a textured design inspired by the OnePlus 11 Marble Odyssey Special Edition.
Under the hood, the OnePlus Nord CE4 is expected to deliver impressive performance and power straight out of the box, featuring Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. According to OnePlus, the latest Snapdragon 7 series processors use minimal power to ensure fast and smooth performance, thereby improving battery life.